
Updated January 2020

Download PDF of NLLA Constitution

I. Name
The name of the organization shall be the Newfoundland and Labrador Library Association (the Association).

II. Aims and Objectives
The Association is a non-profit organization with the following aims and objectives:

A. To stimulate and foster interest in the use of libraries.

B. To advocate on behalf of its members on matters affecting libraries, their service providers, and their clients, provincially and nationally.

C. To facilitate the exchange of ideas and information among people interested in the development and support of libraries and their services.

D. To stimulate rapport and encourage unity of purpose among all people working in, or otherwise serving, libraries.

E. To organize such events as will carry out the above aims and objectives.

III. Membership
Membership in the Association is open to all persons supportive of the Aims and Objectives of the Association. Membership dues shall be paid annually, amounts and categories to be periodically reviewed and set by the Association. Membership expires one year from receipt of payment.

IV. Officers
The Officers of the Association shall be:

A. President

The President is the official representative of the Association and presides at all General Meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee.

B. Vice President (President Elect)

The Vice President (President Elect) shall perform the duties of President in that person’s absence, shall chair the Conference Planning Committee, and shall assist the President as required.

C. Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of all Executive Committee and General Meetings. In particular the Secretary shall distribute minutes of General Meetings; keep the membership informed of the actions of the Executive Committee; chair the Web Committee; ensure that the names of all committees, their terms of reference, and membership are communicated to the membership; maintain a public list of current Standing Orders; and carry out such other duties as the Executive Committee may assign.

D. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all monies of the Association, subject to the direction and approval of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall manage the Association’s bank account and facilitate the transfer of signing authorities. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget and financial statement for the year just past on behalf of the Executive Committee and work closely with the  Director of Recruitment and Membership.

E. Past President

The Past President shall chair the Committee on Nominations and Elections and assist the Executive Committee as appropriate.  The Past President shall also be an ex officio member of the Advocacy Committee, and will report to the Executive Committee.

F. Library Technicians and Assistants (LTA) Representative

The LTA Representative shall act as a representative for the interests of library technicians and assistants. The LTA Representative shall serve on the Standing Committee on Professional Development and Events.

V. Election of Officers

A. Officers of the Association shall be elected through a process that is managed by the Committee on Nominations and Elections. That process will allow all members of the association to put their own name forward as a nominee and to nominate other members. The voting shall be conducted in such a manner that all members of NLLA have the opportunity to vote and that their vote is secret.

B. Election of the Treasurer and the Secretary shall be on alternate years.

C. Should a vacancy occur among the officers other than the President, the Executive Committee may appoint a replacement to fill out the remainder of the term.

VI. Terms for Officers

The terms for the officers will commence at the close of the Spring General Meeting following their election.

A. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Vice President (President Elect) shall serve out the vacated term.

B. Officers may be elected for a second consecutive term, but not a third.

C. The Vice President (President Elect) shall serve one year as Vice President, one year as President, and one year as Past President.

D. The term of the Treasurer shall be two years.

E. The term of the Secretary shall be two years.

F. The term of the Library Technicians and Assistants Representative shall be two years.

VII. Executive Committee

A. Powers
The Executive Committee is responsible for the operation of the Association and has all the powers necessary to that task. Without diminishing the generality of that statement, it has the responsibility to:

1. authorize all payments from Association funds;

2. propose membership categories and fees;

3. create both standing and ad hoc committees;

4. appoint committee Chairs and members where appropriate;

5. appoint individuals to fill out vacant terms when elected members are unable to serve;

6. call General Meetings of the Association;

7. appoint, annually, an auditor of the Association’s financial reports;

8. pass standing orders to guide the Association;

9. designate three officers to be signing officers for the Association, one of which is to be the Treasurer;

10. present, to the Spring General Meeting, a proposed budget for the coming year, a financial report for the year ended, and a report by the auditor;

11. archive documents associated with the Executive Committee and its meetings by periodically donating them to the Queen Elizabeth II Library Archives and Special Collections Division for preservation.

12. take such other actions as are specifically called for in this Constitution or the Standing Orders.

B. Membership
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Association and the following additional positions. All members of the Executive Committee will have voice and vote.

1. Director of Recruitment and Membership

To be appointed by the Executive Committee and to serve at its pleasure. This director maintains the Association listserv.

2. Director of Professional Development and Events

To be appointed by the Executive Committee and to serve at its pleasure. This director chairs the Standing Committee on Professional Development and Events.

3. APLA Vice President for Newfoundland and Labrador

To be filled by APLA and to serve as liaison between NLLA and APLA.

4. CFLA – Atlantic Representative (NLLA Member)

To be filled every six years according to standing order no. 2, and to serve as a liaison between NLLA and CFLA.

C. Meetings

1. The President is Chair of the Executive Committee, and as such is responsible for calling meetings of the Executive Committee. A schedule of proposed meetings shall be posted on the NLLA website. Additional meetings may take place at the call of the Chair.

2. The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee is five members, including at least three officers.

3. The parliamentary authority for meetings of the Executive Committee shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

VIII. Other Committees
The Association shall have both Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. Unless specified in this constitution, the Chairs of the committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee on the advice of the Nominating Committee.

The titles of the committees, their terms of reference, and the names of their members shall be posted on the NLLA website and communicated to members.

Chairs of Standing Committees shall serve a one-year term, renewable.

Unless otherwise specified in this constitution, the Chair is responsible for recruiting other members to the committee as appropriate. It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure the continuity of the committee.

A. Standing Committees

1. Committee on Elections and Nominations

Shall be chaired by the Past President and is responsible for managing all elections in accordance with this constitution and for nominating candidates for all elected positions on the Executive Committee. It is also responsible for nominating to the Executive Committee candidates to chair committees other than those whose Chair is specified in the Constitution.

2. NLLA Spring Conference Planning Committee

Shall be chaired by the Vice President (President Elect) and is responsible for planning and executing the Annual NLLA Spring Conference usually held in conjunction with the Spring General Meeting.

3. NLLA Fall Conference Planning Committee

Shall be chaired by the Library Technician-Assistant Representative and is responsible for planning and executing the Fall Conference usually held in conjunction with the Fall General Meeting.

4. Professional Development and Events Committee

Shall be chaired by the Director of Professional Development and Events and is responsible for liaising with the Education Institute, as well as ensuring the development of educational opportunities relevant to the NLLA membership and the organization and promotion of social activities. The LTA Representative serves on this committee.

5. Web Committee

Shall be chaired by the Secretary and is responsible for our website and social media presence.

6. Advocacy Committee

Shall advocate on issues that impede or threaten the excellence of public, school, special, and academic libraries, library staff and library users in the province.

The committee will consist of up to five representatives from within the NLLA membership. The chair shall be elected from within the committee, and is responsible for presiding over the committee and creating a report for Spring and Fall General Meetings. The Past President shall be an Ex officio member, and will provide monthly updates to the executive.

The goals of the committee are as follows:

  1. To identify key issues in libraries and librarianship in NL that may require advocacy.
  2. To research and compile background information, create documents and form advocacy plans or toolkits on these issues, as needed.
  3. To liaise with library stakeholders to better inform advocacy action.
  4. To liaise with media or create media statements, as needed, and in consultation and approval of the NLLA executive.

B. Ad Hoc Committees
To be named by the Executive Committee as needed.

C. Interest Groups
To be named by the Executive Committee on petition of 10 NLLA members. Applications shall include an initial list of members, an initial Chair, and terms of reference that speak to the need for such a body. Provisions for each interest group will be in the form of Standing Orders.

IX. Standing Orders
The Standing Orders of the Association set out policies and procedures of lasting value that facilitate the accomplishment of the Association’s Aims and Objectives and assist in its management.

Standing Order No. 1 deals with membership dues for the association and must be adopted by a General Meeting.

Standing Order No. 2 deals with elections and nominations and is outlined as follows:

The Past-President will open the floor to nominations at the Fall General Meeting.  The floor will remain open until 2 weeks prior to the Spring General Meeting.  If only one candidate comes forward, they will be acclaimed into that position. If more than one candidate comes forward, an online vote will commence using an online web form.  It will be open one week prior to the Spring General meeting, and close 1 hour before the scheduled start time for the general Meeting. Members will use their unique member ID as an identifier for voting purposes to ensure no duplication and only valid members can vote. If no one comes forward for a position, then the position will remain open until the Spring General Meeting where candidates can bring their name forward, and an in-person election will commence, if needed. If, following the Spring General Meeting, a position remains unfilled, decisions regarding that position will be made at the discretion of the executive committee.  For example, the Committee may choose to extend the call for nominations, to divide the responsibilities of the position among the remaining executive members, or to dissolve the position.

Standing Order No. 3 deals with electing an NLLA representative for the CFLA Atlantic Representative position and is outlined as follows:

The NLLA is responsible for electing a CFLA Atlantic Representative every six years, with the first representative  elected in 2018, and commencing their duties in 2019.  The nomination will be open to all NLLA members and will be voted on at the Spring General Meeting.  The name will be passed amongst all other Atlantic library associations prior to being voted on at the CFLA AGM.

Otherwise, standing orders may be approved by the Executive Committee or adopted by a simple majority vote at any General Meeting.

X. General Meetings

A. The Spring General Meeting shall usually take place in conjunction with the NLLA Annual Spring Conference. The Fall General Meeting shall usually take place in conjunction with the LTAIG Annual Fall Conference. Special General Meetings shall be called by the Executive Committee and will be called on application of seven members of the Association.

B. The quorum of a General Meeting shall be 15 members.

C. The Executive Committee must give at least two (2) weeks notice of a General Meeting.

D. The parliamentary authority for a General Meeting shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

XI. Fiscal Year

A. The fiscal year of the Association is 1 April – 31 March.

XII. Dissolution

A. Dissolution shall be treated as an amendment to the constitution.

B. Should the Association dissolve itself, it shall first meet its outstanding financial obligations. Any remaining funds shall be donated to a charity whose aims are consistent with those of the Association; the charity to be chosen by the Executive Committee.

XIII. Amendments

A. Any member of the Association may propose an amendment to the Constitution. Amendments require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those members present and voting at any General Meeting of the Association. Notice of proposed amendments shall be presented to the Secretary of the Association 30 days in advance of a General Meeting and distributed to the Association’s members not less than two (2) weeks prior to that meeting.

3 responses »

  1. Pingback: Nominations are Open! |

  2. Pingback: NLLA Reviewing its Constitution «

  3. Pingback: Amendments to NLLA Constitution Approved «

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