Category Archives: Strategic Plan

Survey: We Need Your Feedback

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In December of 2022 members of the Newfoundland & Labrador library community participated in a town hall to discuss the future of the Newfoundland & Labrador Library Association (NLLA), which has been on pause since the beginning of the pandemic, and minutes from that meeting were distributed.

In addition, we would also like to invite all members of the NL library community (both past association members and others) to respond to a brief survey, to help us identify and define a future direction for the NLLA. 

Please submit your survey feedback to us on or before Monday, April 10, and please send any comments, questions or concerns you may have to Janet Goosney (  

Finally, please note that prior NLLA membership is not a requirement in order to participate in this process; we welcome comments and feedback from all interested members of the Newfoundland and Labrador Library community.

Aggregate survey results, along with next steps, will be shared following analysis.  Any information that could potentially be used to identify individual respondents will not be shared.

We look forward to hearing from you!

NLLA Reviewing its Constitution

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Canadian_Constitution_Act_Signing NLLA is seeking volunteers to help review our existing constitution.

At a general meeting held on Ocotber 15, several amendments were approved. However, both the NLLA Executive and our membership feel that the time has come to review the document in its entirety to ensure it is as effective as it can be for 2013 and onwards.

If you are interested in participating in our formal constitutional review,  please contact NLLA President, Erin Alcock, or Karen Darby, who will be chairing the constitutional review committee. We plan to start working right away in the new year with the intention of presenting any proposed amendments to the membership in advance of the May 2013 annual conference and general meeting.

Amendments to NLLA Constitution Approved

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Canadian_Constitution_Act_SigningAt a general meeting held in St. John’s on October 15, several proposed amendments to the NLLA’s constitution were unanimously approved.

Three of the amendments recognized the importance of library support staff to our association. The wording of article II, “Aims and Objectives”, section c, and article III, “Membership” were amended to include “library technicians, library assistants, other library staff.” Additionally, the term of office and the election process for the Library Technician and Assistant Representative was added. Section VII, “Elections”, section c, was amended to read “Members who hold the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Library Technician and Assistant Representative will hold a position for one (1) year; they may be re-elected but may not hold the position for more than two (2) consecutive years. The Library Technician and Assistant Representative will be elected during a general meeting at the LTAIG conference held in October. Should that conference not be held, the election will be deferred to the following May annual general meeting.”

Lastly, a change was made to the terms of membership. Rather than have the membership year be set from May 1st to April 30th annually, article IV was amended to read “The membership year shall be one year from the receipt of payment.” The NLLA Executive believes that this more flexible membership will better serve its constituents and potentially attract more members.

Winner of our Survey Prize Draw

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A big thank you to everyone who responded to our strategic planning survey. We recieved a great response!

The winner of the $25 Chapters gift card was Theresa Hynes, a Library Technician II at the College of the North Atlantic’s Bay St. George Campus. Congrats, Theresa!

Please take part in our survey

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NLLA is embarking on a strategic plan! The NLLA Executive is doing some work this summer which will guide our association’s activities and efforts over the next few years and would really love some feedback from you.

Please take a few minutes to respond to our survey. We really appreciate what you have to say. Not an NLLA member? We want to learn more about our members and non-members alike, so if you have something to say, this is your opportunity!

One lucky respondent will win a Chapters gift card of $25 (if you are willing to share an email address to enter). We are happy to receive anonymous responses if you prefer. The deadline to respond is July 27, 2012.

Thanks so much!