Conference Code of Conduct

last updated Fall 2016

(download PDF)

The NLLA provides two annual conferences for all members of our association to engage in professional development, networking, and to be a part of their provincial library community. NLLA is committed to providing a welcoming conference environment that respects diversity, inclusion, equity and freedom of expression of ideas.

All conference participants are asked to show mutual respect and courtesy towards one another in light of opposing ideas, thoughts and viewpoints. Harassment, intimidation or the use of discriminatory language and imagery will not be tolerated at any event, venue, social media or online community forums. Any conference participant that does not adhere to these rules will be; first, asked to calm down and comply, second, asked to leave, and third, call for outside help (venue depending).

Each conference will have a Code of Conduct Committee comprised of the conference committee chair and another member from the conference organizing committee. Contact information will be posted online and at the event. If a conference participant feels they have been harassed or the code of conduct was breached, it is vital to report the incident to a member of the committee.